Sunday, March 26, 2023

Laughter May Be the Best Medicine

Moms always have/had their own home remedies for most of what ailed us as kids growing up. Somewhere in Mom College they had to minor in emergency medicine in order to graduate and luckily for all of us who made it to adulthood, they passed. 

In turn, as an adult and parent (the jury is still out on both of those assertions, btw), I've tried my hand at applying what I remembered from Mom's Medicine Bag to the aches and ouches of our two children when they were in need.  

You've heard of Doctors Without Borders? I'm a member of Dads with No Clue (I've no doubt you've seen our handiwork on every street corner across the country). 

As it happens, many (I started to type all but that is a statement too far) of the 'my mom used to do this' remedies I inflicted on our children and that were inflicted upon me, were in all likelihood not helping the matter at hand very much.    

However, in the interests of further muddying the waters, I will share our daughter's cure for hiccups that works for me, every-single-time: a spoonful of peanut butter. Take up thy stethoscope and walk.
-bill kenny 

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