Tuesday, August 22, 2023

And if You're Lucky

The farther out in space you go, the more alike we look I've been told. And since I know we all smile in the same language I tend to believe that so I get a little confused and a lot frustrated when and where we start creating differences without distinction for no discernible reason except to be unpleasant.

And take my word as a semi-professional azzhole for most of my life, just about the last thing we need in this world at any time is MORE unpleasantness, and yet,  here we go: Ladies and Gentlemen, the International Chess Federation with a move apparently not subject to a take-back request.

It seems some of us have decided an even more interesting and challenging game than chess is continuing to treat people who have done nothing wrong but be their authentic selves as some form of garbage. 

Bear in mind as the song says,
"Can't be too careful with your company; I can feel the devil walking next to me."
-bill kenny

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