Monday, August 7, 2023

Edison Set the World on Fire

How many cartoons did we watch as kids where, when one of the characters had an idea, a lightbulb lit up over their heads? As of last Tuesday, that image will eventually find itself in the 'Whatcha talkin' 'bout?' Museum of Unshared References Across the Generational Divide, a few exhibits down from 'You sound like a broken record!' Yeah, don't start with me on that one.  

Last Tuesday, August 1st, was the start of the ban on sales of incandescent light bulbs. The same people who want to take away your gas stoves, your guns, your light beer and whatever else is woke wandering around and about, did manage to ban sales of new incandescent bulbs. I know, the rest of the planet will thank them, and by extension, us, but you will hate them for their interference with your conspicuous consumption lifestyle.

And if we can all live a little better in a slightly less imperiled world, isn't that worth the changeover to LED bulbs (and standby, up next will be fluorescents). What do you think? I'm staring at the space just above your head, pilgrim, and ain't nothing shaking but the leaves on the trees.
-bill kenny

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