Saturday, August 19, 2023

George Carlin Is Smiling

I'm so old (this is where you shout, 'How old are you?') that I remember humor before the thirty-five-second video clip morons raking in huge sums of money on TikTok, which, by the way, is NOT funny. 

I'm ancient school not just old school. 

I treasure  Bob Newhart, yes that Bob Newhart, doing stand-up as well as Elaine May and Mike Nichols (he of 'The Graduate' fame), Shelley Berman, and in my opinion, the greatest of them all, Lenny Bruce, whose fearlessness and fatal flaws inspired and incited a generation of comedians whose work we still enjoy, first and foremost among them the late George Carlin whose monument will always be the Seven Words You Can't Say on Radio and TV.  

But have you ever wondered, where those words came from? Wonder no more

I don't know about you, but I'm speechless. Okay, nearly.
-bill kenny

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