Monday, January 15, 2024

The View from The Mountain

Today we observe the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as a federal holiday. We (or at least, I) have a tendency in our fast-food society to reduce Dr. King's life and his death, to a black-and-white, 'race relations' issue seeing it as part of the struggle for equal rights which is true as far as it goes.

But what I'm thinking is that on this day, and then extending to all the others on the calendar, we should see the words and deeds of Dr. King as a call for each of us to find her and his better angels and to become the change we wish to see in the world for ourselves and our children.

Such a vision would I hope, better enable each of us to reach and teach those like us as well as those unlike us. As we should have realized by now, it's this fear of 'the other' (be it race, creed, color, or political ideology) that creates the greatest barrier to equality, freedom, and justice for all.

Many public events are being held today in observance of the life of Dr. King. I don't pretend to know your schedule or your inclinations, but if you feel a need to attend and participate, know that you will be among friends. And if your day takes you in a different direction, know, too, that those who do participate will do so in your name as well as his.

"Sometimes I feel like I've never been nothing but tired. And I'll be walking till the day I expire. Sometimes I lay down, no more can I do. But then I go on again because you ask me to."

It's difficult to accept that while the fear of failure often paralyzes us, it's the fear of trying that will ultimately prove to be our undoing.
-bill kenny

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