Friday, January 26, 2024

This Is Just a Fairytale

Without boring you with the details, because it's embarrassing actually, I am nearing the moment when I will get punched out in public, and as shocked as I should be when (not if) that happens I cannot pretend to be surprised.

It happened yesterday in my local supermarket and I am still more than a little pleased I didn't make the police blotter of our local newspaper for berating a fellow customer who richly deserved it. Not that I've ever been accused of being smart but I'll just stop right there in the telling of the tale.  

Except to say it had something to do with the return of a shopping trolley and the behavior of a shortsighted, selfish, two-legged obliviot. For the record, I was NOT yelling. I was speaking emphatically (but yes, I could be heard in the parking lot). And yes, I would do it again.

There is no need to head over to the 'store' just in case it happens again. As we all know by now, the eight o'clock show is completely different from the one at noon. And, btw, this is the ten items or less blog. 
-bill kenny  

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