Monday, March 4, 2024

Greetings from Selectric Ladyland

For very close to fifty years, at least five days a week every week (seemingly) my whole life to that point, I dressed up to go to work and traveled someplace where I joined with others who were doing the very same thing and we exchanged our time and talents for money to buy cars and houses and nice things for our families, and sometimes a variety of herbs and other botanicals to quiet the voices inside wondering why we were doing it at all.

We were grown-ups. The thing as kids we couldn't wait until we were old enough to be and it turned out it was all a con and some of the least fun I have ever had with my clothes on. It took the Contagion, COVID-19, to force us as a society to rethink 'work,' not the why we do it but the how. Good news if you were a shareholder in Zoom technology, that's for sure. 

And a windfall in terms of a research grant to every social scientist with a theory on how much farther we could go each all alone than collectively in an employment environment and now we've told ourselves the worst has passed (though I'm not so sure of that), You didn't know they had a play at home game, did you? There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy. 

And in much the same way as no one enters the same river twice because both they and the river have changed, the return to the office looked like some of the old ways in the old days but the instruments have changed if not the music itself. This is why stay-at-home never sounded as sweet.
-bill kenny


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