Saturday, July 27, 2024

Second Verse, Same as the First

I quote rock and roll the way Evangenitals quote the Bible. In my case, and at my age, what I mostly quote would be considered Old Testament (but not too old), from The Beatles onwards though the more recent stuff from just about anybody that employs auto-tune would not be included.

The irony of ironies and proving God, if S/He does exist, does indeed have a sense of humor, almost all the music our son and daughter grew up loving invariably provoked me to wrinkle my nose and ask sardonically, 'what is this supposed to be?' Like father, like son... 

Not the point of this missive, though you can be forgiven for thinking otherwise. I grew up listening to words of songs and had some spectacular subject matter authors: Lennon/McCartney, Jagger/Richards, Ray Davies, Leonard Cohen, Bob Dylan, Paul Simon, and the list goes on and on. 

Back in my day (and stop leaning on my Gran Torino hood, I just buffed that out, you whippersnapper!), songs told stories. Which is why I found this article engrossing and edifying. 
-bill kenny

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