Saturday, October 26, 2024

A Pre-Election Scold

As you've probably guessed by now, I support Kamala Harris as the next President of the United States of America. The other major party candidate seeking a return to that office is so unspeakably awful and fatally flawed both as a human being and as a leader as to be no more than a joke, and a bad one, in my estimation. 

Is Harris perfect? No. The last time we had a perfect person walk the earth we nailed them to a tree if you believe the Bible, so I'm not holding out for perfection, but progress. This grand experiment in democracy for over two hundred and forty years is by no means perfect but, in my opinion, so much better than any other form of government anyone else has ever come up with.  

No one has a monopoly on the right answers. Heck, most of the time we can't even agree on the questions.
What makes me afraid is the lack of honest disagreement, at all levels of our politics. We are so enthralled at the notion of 'being part of the team' that we swallow our differences and thus start the process of silent fatalism that results in failure, be it of our schools, cities, economic system, and our way of life.
Our democracy is so swell, that in a little more than a week from today all across The Land of the Round Doorknobs less than 50% of us will bother to vote. But 100% of us will be very unhappy with the election results. Do not let yourself be in that number.
-bill kenny

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