Saturday, October 5, 2024

Let's Stop Making Stupid People (In)Famous

But let's start tomorrow, okay? 

And, to be clear, I don't mean the Kardashians, any of the numerous permutations of the Real Housewives, or even (my new current guilty pleasure), anyone from Love After Lock-up. 

I'm talking about us. We, the ordinary people, who do egregiously idiotic stuff, usually illegal, unlawful, and laden with calories (I suspect).

Like Stephanie Hoffman, a resident of that hotbed of normality in The Land of Steady Habits, Enfield, Connecticut, who is, the report suggests a rather frequent flier in the Connecticut Judicial System and no stranger to a court of law. 

So, like I said, let's stop putting folks like Steph in the paper or online and instead where they belong, behind bars. Deal?
-bill kenny    

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