Thursday, October 10, 2024


I am part of the 'pig in a python' generation, the Baby Boomers the children of The Greatest Generation who are now approaching our dotage (those who have not already shuffled off their mortal coils, that is).

The world was ours. And look what we did with it. 

Blue Skies, Clean Air? Traded them in for BMWs and stock options and, along the way, created a mess that our children and their children may never forgive us for, assuming they ever find out about all the perfidy and perdition we created (fingers crossed).

We never wanted to grow up and never planned on growing old and look at us, now. We did both! Well, sort of, and some of us, I guess. But no one gets out of here alive, as the saying goes, and my generation is paying a price for living like there was no tomorrow. 

That story wasn't news to me: two knee replacements, stents in a chamber of my heart, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, cancer. No more for me thanks, I'm driving.

What was it Pete wrote and Roger sang, and have they reconsidered?
-bill kenny

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