Friday, October 18, 2024

Barefootin' the Truth

Who can forget the claim 'they're eating the dogs and cats,' offered by one of the candidates seeking the office of President without a scintilla of actual fact to support the assertion? 

Yes, it's the same person who's explained, because his uncle taught at MIT, that he has an instinctual grasp of science, which perhaps accounts for his assertion that windmills cause cancer and that solar power is useless at night.  

I'm unsure how to explain his choice of a shark over an electric battery-powered sinking ship, but I will acknowledge that some roads are better off less traveled (and that may well be one of them). 

In all candor, sanewashing almost anything (and everything) the forty-fifth President of the United States and thirty-four times convicted felon (one and the same person) says is exhausting. 

I mean, where do he and all the MAGA Minion Mutton-heads come up with this shite? Jewish space lasers, post-birth abortions, the government controls the weather. No more for me, thanks, I'm voting.

Mark Twain, it's claimed once said, "A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes." (possibly faster if the shoes are slip-ons, I'm guessing). I'm not sure how that translates to Russian, especially in the age of the Internet, but it should, especially because it's frighteningly true.

Meanwhile, many people are saying 'dogs flew spaceships.' Change my mind.
-bill kenny 

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