Monday, October 7, 2024

What in God's Name?

Voltaire once offered, 'If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent Him." 

A year ago today, Hamas committed the worst atrocity against the Jewish people since the Holocaust, and God, whether a Hairy Thunderer or Cosmic Muffin, had nothing to do with it, no matter what both sides claim before, during, and after. 

In the Middle East as in too many other places around the globe, there is no easy answer, no 'both sides' and certainly no 'let my people go' moment. 

The farther out in space you go, the more alike we look. But we still choose to NOT get it. Rallying cries like, "From the River to the Sea," are just the most current variant in the language of intolerance that both oppressor and the oppressed use, often to mask the ethical and moral bankruptcy both have and have had since time immemorial.  

Fear of the other leads to, and inevitably breeds, hatred of the other. And an Eye for an Eye vengeance leaves everyone blind.
-bill kenny

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