Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Schrödinger's Verbs

I have a lot on my plate, if not mind, this morning as my wife and I prepare for a jaunt to Middletown, Connecticut, to get our first COVID-19 vaccination. I don't know which one it is, and almost a year into this Masque of the Red Death, I don't care. We'll roll up our sleeves and await the jab. When we're told to come back for the second installment we shall and will. 

There's a show on television this afternoon that I like to watch while it's airing that I will have to tape today because I'll be underway and realized as I was setting the television stuff up to do the taping that I'm not actually taping at all even though I still call it that. 

We haven't had a videotape player/recorder for, I'm guessing now, about a decade or so. We used to not be able to live without them, remember? Struggling to learn how to program them and becoming frantic if a sporting or news event 'ran long' because it meant you'd lose part of what you had hoped to tape? Yeah, good times.

And then we all TiVoed (is that how that was spelled?), but and it seemed like only a matter of moments later we were all digital video recording, DVRing. There's a gerund for you, right? And I wrote TiVo as if it were a verb but in reality, like DVRing, it wasn't really a word though we used it like one and we all knew what it meant. 

Things that are things and yet not things all at the same time. Schrödinger's Verbs.

Donovan would be pleased (as would the Allmans) and unpleased, simultaneously.
-bill kenny

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