Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Choices, Chances, and Changes

I'm a fossil still stumbling and struggling to transition from a manual to an electric typewriter but I’m in awe of the promise technology holds. However, it faces a continuing challenge to deliver accurate and honest information in a timely manner.

Compounding our situation is a changing perception of traditional media. Despite our vast information sources, we’ve grown more insular and less informed. Subscriptions to local newspapers have dipped precipitously and we devote fewer minutes listening to and watching both national and local broadcast news opting instead for outlets that validate our own perceptions of reality often in an echo chamber within a hall of mirrors.

Truth and trust, be it between and among people and institutions ranging from community leaders, and public agencies to all levels of government is in increasingly short supply. Too often we speak without thinking and hear without listening. At the end of the day, we may frequently be in error, but we are rarely in doubt; just ask us. Besides, everyone we know says we're right (too bad we don't know more people).

We have projects here and now in Norwich that do not just require open minds and a free flow of facts, they demand them, and too often all we have are open mouths and strong opinions. We look at those we choose for elected office as 'them' instead of 'us' and those labels don't foster or further the construction of consensus.

We don't believe 'they' listen to ‘us’ when we talk about almost any issue we face as a community from constructing (and paying for) new schools, public safety versus economic development on Route 82, revitalizing Down City, to name just three hot button topics. But the list goes on and on and you can find opinions to support yours and all manner of facts (even contradictory) on almost any social media platform.

But the same technologies that have allowed us to be comfortably numb in splendid (and often ignorant) isolation could also bring, and keep, us together and moving towards shared goals.

But we must be present, emotionally, mentally, and physically, and it starts Monday night at 6:30 with an informational meeting and workshop of the City Council at Kelly STEAM Magnet Middle School by the Planning and Neighborhood Services Department and the Norwich Community Development Corporation explaining the rollout of Citizenlab.

Disclaimer: Citizenlab will not whiten your teeth or straighten your hair (or vice versa), but if you click the link and scroll through their website, I think you'll agree it's a way of harnessing technology to make the decision-making vital in a democracy more responsive, inclusive, and transparent. As the song goes, 'you cannot win if you do not play,' and Citizenlab is a tool to help expand and amplify the voices and choices of all of us.

But the keyword in this is 'choice.' Graham Brown once said, "We are what we choose to be."

And we all know the famous Three C's: Choice, chance, and change. You must make a choice and take a chance or nothing changes.

If you want something bad enough, you'll find a way; if not, you'll find an excuse. I’d hope you’ll find your way to Kelly Monday night so we can start to get serious about making choices and changes.
-bill kenny 


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Decisions and Revisions

Are you familiar with  James Clear ?  You really need to check him out. He's not only thoughtful and thought-provoking, but he'll op...