Friday, December 2, 2022

Get Over It

The law of averages being what it is, I will never, ever, meet all of the people in the world who piss me off. Or, in reality, even the most minute percentage of them.

If I'm being honest, I don't have an actual list (I don't have enough paper) but if I did, Amanda Ramirez would be at the top of that list. And why is that, you might ask. Glad you did. 

Here's why.

I'm accused with good reason of being very cynical but let's face it, in Amanda's case, Mother Theresa would be giving her a stare. Some folks are so thoughtlessly self-centered, they make my hair hurt (and I have a bald spot visible from space).  

Amanda, these are people who are having a rough time right now. NOT YOU.
-bill kenny

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