Sunday, January 24, 2021

Ev'rybody's talking about Ministers, Sinisters, Banisters, and Canisters ...

We have a hole in the ozone layer that we seem to think hand-wringing will fix, eventually, unless it doesn't in which case, oh well. We're poisoning our potable water and basically treating the earth and its resources as if we had a second planet someplace we can get head off to when things here get too dicey, like later this afternoon in some areas.  

We keep insisting that contagions like COVID-19 are once in a generational happenstance when, perhaps more ominously and logically, they should be seen as the consequences of how we misuse and abuse an eco-system in which we are but one of millions of organisms struggling to exist. 

That old adage about don't shit where you eat comes to mind but we don't seem to be paying it very much attention. And as if we need another example of how we are not being very good stewards of a planet we claim to be lords of, our bad habits and self-centeredness are disturbing the sleep patterns of, and doing more damage to, bees, whose pollination efforts, directly and indirectly, make possible our continued existence on this orb (see Joni Mitchell's admonition on this subject) though I guess now because we're so enlightened we'd sing Uber instead of taxi.  

We've waged war on one another since the dawn of time, but if we pick a fight with Mother Nature, we will be punching above our weight with unavoidable and inevitable consequences.
-bill kenny

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