Friday, January 15, 2021

The Scarcity of Veracity

By the time the Senate gets around to taking up the second impeachment of Donald Trump and convicting him, he will be an ex-President. That's not quite as acceptable to me as being a never-was President but I'll take what I can get when I can get it. 

I watched the televised House impeachment proceedings Wednesday alternately impressed and infuriated by GOP members' insistence, echoing Pantload45's own public statements, that his speech the previous Wednesday exhorting the YeeHawdists of Vanilla Isis to storm the Capitol was "totally appropriate," when in actuality it was anything but. 

Welcome to through the looking glass where up is down, black is white and left is, well, left is socialist and radical and practically Communist. Yeah. The Mango Mussolini reaped what he had sown and that his party had not only allowed but also enabled for most of the last half-decade but let's let bygones be forgotten while we take out the guitars and sing a few songs together around the campfire that's still burning in The Capitol lobby, just don't ask how it started, that's poor form.  

The American Carnage of which Trump first spoke in his Inaugural address on January 20, 2017, was delivered with interest on Wednesday, January 6, 2021, and his enablers in the House of Representatives and the right-wing media echo chambers can do and say nothing to change that.

To the 1/6 Truthers saying 'but Trump didn't participate in the insurrection,' I'd point out, Bin Laden didn't fly the planes into the Pentagon, the hills of Pennsylvania, and the World Trade Center nor did Hitler kill a single Jew, and yet, in the verdict of history whom do we hold accountable?
-bill kenny

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