Monday, January 18, 2021

We Need Resolve not More Monuments

Fun fact, that's only the latter and not the former: Anne Frank and Dr. Martin Luther Luther King, Jr., were born in the same year. Two defining persons of the 20th Century associated with entirely different eras. Well, I find that interesting.

Not nearly as interesting as how many of us think having a day off to honor Dr. King's birthday (which was last Friday if you were thinking of sending a card) and reflecting on the state of civil and equal rights in our nation as well as in our local community followed tomorrow by business as usual doesn't seem to be getting us anywhere. And yet we persist. 

Here's a thought, not an original of mine but an original nevertheless, for the rest of today, maybe: "If King were here to celebrate his holiday with us, he would ask us to show him justice, not statues; changed hearts, not new names on freeways." 
-bill kenny

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