Thursday, January 14, 2021

It Was a Powerful Day

When I was a kid I often went with the school group my dad organized every spring break on a week's trip to Washington D. C. The goal was always the same to see all the big sights and lots of smaller ones as well to include everything from Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington (we were there one year when the sentry challenged someone who was walking beyond the permitted area), Mount Vernon, George and Martha's homestead, as well as the FBI Building, the Smithsonian, the White House and of course, The Capitol. 

Dad would usually arrange to get gallery passes from Peter Frelinghuysen who was what we might call now a Rockefeller Republican which even more recently is a RINO, I suspect, because people worked with one another across the political aisles back then to get things done rather than score points ahead of the next election.  

We've been sliding down the mountain for decades. Last Wednesday's attempted coup didn't so much accelerate the speed of the decline as make it evident to those who didn't wish to see it. 

Those I watched on television yesterday arguing against the impeachment of the Arsonist-in-Chief for starting and fueling the flames of the attempted insurrection, the 1/6Truthers, are part of the next illness in our body politic, a disease Ben Collins who works for NBC News described as "(T)elling the truth is not the point. The point is to never lose the argument in the moment, and never look back." 

Too much talking AT and not enough speaking with; that's where we are while over 4,000 of us die every day because we elected an infantile incompetent to our highest office four years ago and he failed us at every step of the journey. And with less than two weeks to go until the end of his error he launched his army of malcontents at the heart of our nation to do as much damage as was conceivable, and even more that was inconceivable. 

And that's why right now, not just in the halls of The Capitol, but in statehouses all across this country, men and women, our neighbors in National Guard units are standing as a bulwark against the ignorance and arrogance we have unleashed against one another. While those who emptied the jerrycan of hateful vitriol are safe as houses at home in the sleep of the just.
-bill kenny



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