Monday, June 13, 2022

My Heart Is on the Left Side of My Body

I'm impressed and not in a good way by the number of folks who've insisted for nearly a year and a half that the attempted insurrection on January 6, 2021, was (pick one (or more)): "a peaceful assembly," "small in comparison to the ANTIFA/BLM riots the summer before," and/or "a nothing burger."

I call bullshit. 

To refresh your memory in case you weren't able (willing?) to watch the opening televised salvo of The Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol the other evening, here's a little archival number assembled by those known prevaricators and self-aggrandizing bastards of the GOP the New York Times.

The televised hearings resume this morning at ten o'clock, the day before the 76th birthday of the greatest grifter since P T. Barnum. And the only people who don't know that are the ones about to find out. Even the QOP true believers will have to open their eyes to reality at some point. It will not be pretty.

But I expect and suspect the process will be painful. 
-bill kenny

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