Tuesday, January 10, 2023

For Dave, Wherever He Might Be

If the Puritans who outlawed the celebration of the Birth of Christ here in the corner of North America they colonized in the seventeenth century could see what has become of their successors, I wonder what they might say. 

Increase and Cotton Mather and oh so many other tight-ass men of the (Protestant) cloth who brought us the Salem Witch Trials and innumerable other horrors and indignities must be spinning in their graves this morning here in the Nutmeg State as today marks the beginning of legalized cannabis sales at very select locations

As the TV commercials (for other products) so often intone, 'now available without a prescription.' And good news! That stock you bought in Frito-Lay is about to triple in value and those old Cheech and Chong records are finally funny again.
-bill kenny

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