Friday, January 21, 2022

Blink and You'll Miss It

Being easily amused and bemused has a flip side. I am and can often be easily provoked into a fit of almost irrational anger that, at some point, I can look back and say 'yeah, my bad. I really lost it.' Strangely enough that never seems to happen when I'm going through it which is what is happening right now.

It was a pretty straight (pun intended) forward headline on CNN dot com, "Fashion designer sues Lego over leather jacket worn by toy Antoni on 'Queer Eye' set." But, hand on my heart, the more often I read the story and tried to follow the exposition of what and who was happening to whom and why, the more confused I became as I parsed the sentences in the report and realized to my dismay (and anger) that all of it was a load of bollocks and that the gorge rising in my veins needed to get either its own attorney to sue someone for something or just look away until the shouting in my head ceased. 

I know, it's just a Lego set, but there's money so that means there's a principle (as well as billable hours). By the time I stopped yelling at the computer screen because of my anger at the story my hair started to hurt from the cubic density of avarice and mean-spiritedness per square foot multiplied by my absolute certainty that this kind of thing will drag on for years until someone pays someone else to go away. 

Right? Wrong? Relative terms and conspicuous in their absence in this case. "Yeah, I'll step back while you go dance the greenback boogie." 
-bill kenny

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