Saturday, January 8, 2022

Laut Und Umlaut

IKEA, the furniture store we all shop in though no one ever admits it is off to a rough start in 2022 with supply chain problems and inflation fueling what is reported to be a nine percent (on average) price hike across their stores. 

Unclear, at least to me, is if this price increase also includes their cafeteria's Swedish meatballs and lingonberries (hint: it had better not). I was yesterday old before I learned that many of the items offered for purchase in IKEA do not have made-up names, but rather borrow the actual names of, as it turns out, rather scenic locations throughout Sweden which presents nearly insurmountable marketing challenges for the Sweden Tourism Department.

I'm thinking they might economize with fewer minuscules, Ø, (a/k/a 'O with a stroke'); I mean if it's NOT an O then just don't write one instead of writing it and then lining through it. Unlike the French who have a different word for everything, IKEA would seem to prefer the same word for the whole universe.
-bill kenny 

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