Saturday, January 1, 2022

So Far, So Good

Okay, it just got started admittedly, HOWEVER, this New Year has been pretty good, so far. I'll concede even as this posts at the stroke of midnight that at this moment I am sound asleep and have been for hours (and hope to remain in that state for a couple of hours more). But, all things considered, 2022 has been good. I'll take my small victories where I can find them, thank you, and would strongly encourage you to do the same. 

I hope despite everything that went on and didn't go on, that 2021 was good, and if not good, then kind, to you and yours. I'm welcoming the arrival of 2022 most especially for the hope and promise of what it may bring for us all. I realize a year from now some of us will not be here to read the update to this entry (or write it, for that matter, I suppose) but while the actors and actresses are changed and exchanged on a daily basis (in every aspect of our everyday lives), the play goes on. We change partners but continue in the dance.

With apologies to Dickens, 2021 was the best of years and the worst of years and 2022 will be the same. It's not really about the number of days and/or hours in a year, or a lifetime, but what we do with the space between the beginning and the end. I hope you have all the space you need for that which you need to do and look forward to talking to you for every day of this new year's adventure for as long as we both share the orb.
-bill kenny

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