Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Finally! Somebody on My Side

This is the time of year, whenever we're in a supermarket anywhere, without fail I walk down the candy aisle or hit the sales island because it's also there, and squeeze very hard a kernel in a random bag of candy corn. 

Invariably, I almost break my thumb and pointer from squeezing because the stuff is as hard as a rock, but every once in a while, fortune smiles and I find a fresh bag in the bunch and buy it, regardless of whatever else I walked into the store to purchase.

I can feel your pity mixed with contempt. Candy corn, seriously? Yes, I can shout it out loud!
And, I am not alone. Finally.  

I don't expect to convert you, nor do I want to. After all, your aloofness means there's more for me. Can your Mary Janes or NECCO wafers say that?
-bill kenny

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