Saturday, October 8, 2022

Sebastian (but Not Cabot)

I have a memory from childhood of sitting in "the doctor's" office (kids have no concept of specialists and malpractice suits hadn't yet gotten out of hand I suspect) surrounded by every issue of Highlights Magazine ever published (I loved Goofus and Gallant) and along one wall there would be a massive fish tank that (realized this years later) some staffer of the doctor spent an hour or so at the end of every day wiping all the fingerprints off the glass. 

Sometimes that fish tank was the high point of the visit, especially if Mom said 'he doesn't need a lollipop,' to the physician as we were leaving (made for an even longer ride home). I can't claim to have ever seen any of these guys floating around in the tank (and I think I'd have remembered at least two or three of them).

Sorry to tell you but we're all out of lollipops, but the good news is you can have as many root beer barrels and Mary Janes as you'd like.
-bill kenny

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think the pediatrician was Dr. Gephardt.
Mom just wanted to save you from the dentist from hell, Dr. Fertig.

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