Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Time Has Come Today

I know we consider the rose to be symbolic of our city, claiming as we do that Norwich is the Rose of New England, but based on the thirty-one years I’ve lived here, I think a more accurate representation of our city, sadly, is a watch with no hands because whatever it is and whatever you want, now ‘is not the right time to do it.’ Ever.

Hear me out.

Without fail, every year there’s at least one (and more often more than one) issue or concern our elected leadership wrestles with, usually at budget time, that gets kicked down the road for next time because ‘this just isn’t the right time.’

I got thinking about that watch with no hands earlier when chatting with an acquaintance whom I encountered who sort of warned me off from writing about “that really expensive school construction bond item” on the ballot for our (I hope) approval on November 8.

Well as we all know, the road to a very warm place is paved with the best of intentions (roundabouts sold separately, I’ll wager), and I’ve always been more of short sleeve shirts guy myself, so here we are.

To be honest, I’m not sure I’ve seen a whole lot about this construction project, which will fundamentally reinvent how we deliver education to every school-age child in the Norwich Public Schools System for probably the next three or more decades.

There was a report in the pages of The Bulletin after the City Council approved sending the bonding proposal to us, the voters, but that was back in August and here we are, checks watch (oh wait, never mind), twenty-seven days before we cast our ballots and there’s been hardly a peep on any (social) media platform I can think of.  

Don’t let the dollar figure scare you, although $385 million of anything is certainly a lot; after state reimbursement and grants, our share is about $150 million (which ain't chump change by any means). You can visit the city’s website and click here for a quick summary. And since you’re clicking on stuff, here’s a PowerPoint presentation detailing where the dollars and effort are going

I know, ‘Can’t we just fix up what we have?’ We’ve been repairing our schools since my kids were in Buckingham, and that was three decades ago. We’ve gotten to the point where we’re patching the patches.

Over two decades ago we approved two ten-plus million-dollar bonds to finally install technological infrastructure in our schools and expand two of them instead of utilizing capital improvements because (you’ve guessed it) ‘the time just isn’t right for spending that kind of money.’

It may not be ‘right’ now, either, but it’s a lot cheaper than continuing to maintain buildings decades past their best-by dates. And money expended on repairs cannot be invested in people and programs for our schools to maintain our education system as a shining attraction for anyone looking for a world-class school system.

Here it is: There’s never going to be a right time to do this right thing if we don’t do it right now.

There are but two moments in each of our lives, now and too late.  And as irony would have it, you don’t need a watch to know which one is which.
-bill kenny 


Bob said...

Hey, everyone likes new...!
But, who can afford it...? Just like a lot of proposals from this City Counsel, we presented with... "This is what we propose...! (More or less...)"
Four NEW schools on the site of four existing schools...?!? In one budget item? and the "renovate or tear down and build a fifth new school..." does not give me a good feeling about what I am asked to approve...

Also, this is not a situation that just "came up". The deterioration of these facilities didn't just happen, lately... It's been over years... And, the School Advisory Board should have recognized this over ten years ago, when new facilities construction costs was $165 per square foot (2013 national average...) Instead of waiting until now when National construction costs are more than $300 - $760! a Sq Ft...!

Kicking the can down the road may release tensions at the time... But, it can add up to a lot more expense later...

William Kenny said...

The better question might be Can we NOT afford it?
You're right, the situation has been building (no pun intended) for decades.
I was flabbergasted at the condition of the Buckingham School when our kids went there from 1992 on. Terrific teachers but the physical plant was in shambles.
And that's something that was and remains true across all the facilities because no money is ever budgeted for maintenance, ever.
Neither of us, to my knowledge, has a time machine to go back to 2013 when construction costs were lower but you know what? Even if we did and pushed for construction then what would we have been told? Now ‘is not the right time to do it.’

Joyce Kilmer Would Approve

Many, if not most, of us are familiar with the poem " Trees ."  I've always enjoyed it for, among other reasons, because I gre...