Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Saturate Before Viewing

We live in a corner of Connecticut without a lot of diffused atmospheric surface light in the evening so looking up at the sky at night is a treat because there are fewer pollutants and distractions between me and the stars. 

When I was a kid, the USA was catching up to the Soviet Union in the race to the moon, a race we won. I wanted to be an astronaut as well as the President of the United States as well as a baseball player and I knew I could do all of that at the same time because I'd worked it out. 

And rounding the curve and starting the back half of the seventy-first lap on the mouse wheel, I'm not sure anymore about any of those career goals.  

I still look up at the stars every night, even on overcast nights, because you never know. And I hit all the hippest websites on the web looking for photos from and about outer space, not that I'll ever get to go or would have the nerve if the opportunity presented itself. 

But then the other day, I came across images, the best images the article said, from beneath the waters of the oceans which cover slightly more than 70% of our planet. I think you'll agree, they are almost beautiful enough to make a Space Sojourner rethink his quest.

We live in a place of so much beauty it makes those of us who behave ugly far too easy to spot, but sadly, not easier to avoid.
-bill kenny

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