Tuesday, February 20, 2024

A post-President's Day Shoe Sale

Think hard. Have you ever seen Donald J. Trump wear sneakers? I mean at any time, anywhere for any reason. In much the same way as he hawked Trump Wine and Trump Vodka for years, but doesn't drink alcohol, he's selling "No Surrender Sneakers" for only $399. 

I could understand him selling Depends, or doing commercials for Adderall. But Air Treason sneakers? Maybe they make you taller, or weigh only 215 pounds, or maybe not. And they are sold-out, just like their name sake! 

The same folks buying them complain about the high costs of everything under Dark Brandon so I'm more than a little confused. Pick a lane you toothless, witless gorms.  

That said, here's a DIY cost-cutting tip: 

Follow me for more money-saving ideas.
-bill kenny

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