Thursday, February 1, 2024


Just me, or is this just a little awkward? Don't look now but we've just blown through the entire first month of the new year. Just. Like. That. <finger snap> 

Where did January go? And do the months and the years seem to accelerate as we age? I don't know about you, but I was busy in January organizing all the documents required to file taxes, not that I do it anymore because it's too complicated for me. 

I use an accountant I've known for decades but never knew professionally until we bought our house five years ago and then I learned our son uses him for his taxes and he took us on as a client as well. 

While I was doing that I was also getting my doctor's approval ducks in order for spinal fusion surgery in the middle of this month. So far, in preparing for the surgery I've learned I have a staph infection. Everyone should have a hobby, I guess.

With all of my comorbidities (a delightful word if ever there was one), the process has been time-consuming and nerve-racking. In addition to my primary care physician signing off, I need my pulmonologist, cardiologist, and nephrologist to all approve. As of this morning, all I have is the pulmonologist's okay but am hopeful of having another signature by the close of business.  

In the meantime, I'll be getting more blood tests to see how successful the radiation treatment for prostate cancer in September may have been (fingers crossed on that) and then I can go back to dreading the mid-month surgery. 

Really happy this February has an additional day though that bonus is starting to feel as welcome as learning you've just won a Yoko Ono concert CD. Time flies.
-bill kenny  

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