Thursday, February 29, 2024

An Extra Day of Suck

Whenever the New York Yankees end up in extra innings on games broadcast on the YES Network, Michael Kay always announces 'we have free baseball coming up next' which is, for me, no matter who is playing, like paying for two scoops and getting three.  

The Frauds of Baseball didn't need to streamline the game as far as I'm concerned. Pitch clocks, and all the rest of it were and will never be my cup of meat. Game takes too long? Why, what else did you have in mind? Who goes to, or turns on a baseball game, with plans to ALSO do something else? 

Sorry. I think it's the meds. Anyway, today we have the one of the 'buy one and get one free' days of the year where you didn't want the first one to start with and would do almost anything to get rid of the second one, 29 February.  

I understand (or say I do) the reason why we have a Leap Year. What I do not understand is why it's at the end of February. What would have been so wrong about putting it in April, or how about May when spring has sprung? Or we could make Endless Summer a day longer and tack it onto July or August.

Instead, we have muck and mire on the streets and sidewalks, the winds of March arriving early and we shiver our timbers off in February. Quite frankly, February 29 is like finding out there is indeed one more unreleased song on that recently unearthed Beatles' archive and it's a duet with Tiny Tim and Yoko Ono. Dead Whoopee.

Once every four years is about all I can stand.
-bill kenny

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