Sunday, February 25, 2024

Bob Richards Died for Your Sins

When we were kids, Mom was our school day breakfast chef and our father was the Sunday morning wizard. Which means every weekday morning we had cold cereal, or English muffins (we really thought they were English. We were kids; how we would know otherwise?) or corn muffins which for years caused me to throw up for no discernible reason.

Saturdays always were, ala Calvin & Hobbes, sugar-frosted Tastee Bombs and cartoons all morning long and while we didn't raise our two children in quite the same way (the cartoons are way worse now) and I was thinking of all those breakfasts, around the round wooden table in the kitchen when I found this, "Five Things People Used to East for Breakfast."

Five more reasons I was a Cheerios and Wheaties man.
-bill kenny


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