Sunday, February 4, 2024

Batboy, We Hardly Knew Ye....

I haven't seen it in a magazine rack at the grocery store checkout in a very long time. That may have something to do with the fact that I only use self-check-out registers now but still...

Weekly World News. All black and white with attention-grabbing covers like the UFO landing on the flight deck of a US Navy aircraft carrier or who could forget Batboy shaking hands with H. Ross Perot (hard to tell them apart in those photos as I recall) or George Bush or Bill Clinton? Good times, right? 

I found their online site the other day and it's just terrific.  Billed as "The World's Only Reliable News," it offers me an escape from whatever the hell it is that Faux Gnus or MSNBC is doing 24/7, and allows me to sigh contentedly because it's all bullshit all the time. 

But in their defense, it's not ALL craziness! In these challenging economic times who among us couldn't use a little extra money? Why not sell your soul to the devil?  Or how about a shortened work week-one without Mondays? Bet you'll never read this in the New York Times.

Let's face it, it's not just the Q-Anon hillbillies who scream fake news. All of us suspect it's going on all around us all the time so why not belly up to the bar and get yourself a big dish of that stuff and make it your guilty pleasure? All you have to lose are a few more brain cells.
-bill kenny

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