Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Black and Hairy

True confession time: I don't do well with wee beasties including centipedes. silverfish, and most especially spiders. Actually, in particular spiders. 

I understand their role in the circle of life and I appreciate all the good things they accomplish, like elevating my heartbeat when I accidentally walk through the middle of one of their large webs.

I'm sure we look as creepy or maybe even more so to them than they do to us but I am not a fan and would not be terribly disappointed to never for the rest of my life encounter a spider of any size or color at any time. 

Arachnophobia is fairly widespread but here's something that may surprise you, spiders can have it too.

Second true confession time: that knowledge doesn't afford me nearly the amount of solace I was hoping for.
-bill kenny

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