Sunday, June 2, 2024

What Else Is There?

I've spent a great deal of my time here on the Big Blue Marble, walking a tightrope of 'What to do' balanced against 'When to do it.' It's left me very little time for the most important question of all, 'Why?' but I learned long ago to never ask the question if you can't stand the answer.  

I am not someone who would employ a life coach, mostly out of fear that they would redshirt me and then what would I do? But I enjoy the idea that there is a way to lead an optimal life (not sure if that means a happy one or a productive one) and came across an article that reduces the day basically to an equation and all I (you) have to do is plug in the numbers and do the math. 

I have a Fitbit (who doesn't right?) watch/fitness tracker that tells me far more than I have ever wanted to know about myself including how many breaths per minute I take and what my sleep patterns look like (some months I'm a Turtle, it says, and others I'm a bear (when I'm the latter I prefer Charmin')) so I loved this line from the article, "We found the optimal amount of sleep was 8.3 hours, while for light activity and moderate to vigorous activity, it was best to get 2.2 hours each."

The article was written for/about Australians though I suspect the farther out in space you go the more alike we look, especially when bumper to bumper in the hamburger drive-through lane. I kept thinking about Yossarian's buddy, Dunbar, and his desire to prolong his life through boredom. He might just have been on to something.  
-bill kenny

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