Friday, June 28, 2024

Man, You Let Your Face Grow Long

I started shaving daily as part of puberty at some point in my teens. 

I used to borrow my father's unused electric shaver, switching at some point later to a Wilkinson single-blade razor never really working up the nerve to use the Gillette Blue Blades, a ceramic mug filled (with a handle) with a shaving cream cake, and a badger hair shaving brush that he mastered. 

I was in awe of that set-up and in the course of over five decades since I have tried at least three dozen or so different razors/blades you could imagine. I've done the five blades with an edger that are now so expensive, stores keep them in pilfer-proof cases because thieves help themselves and turn their ill-gotten gains into quick cash. 

I've even tried to use a single edge blade like Dad's and now that I no longer work-let me rephrase that-now that I'm retired-I don't shave every day but often go three or more days but the single edge blade still scares the willies out of me. 

I thought viewing a video on how the blades are made would help steady my nerves. Instead, now I'm also afraid of YouTube. <Goo goo g'joob>
-bill kenny   

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