Thursday, August 1, 2024

Dick the Butcher May Have Had a Point

We live in a society governed by laws with a justice system intended to assure fairness (even if sometimes the results miss the mark) yet many of us regard the word 'lawyer' as some kind of an insult. 

Unless and except when we need an attorney and then, of course, the one we choose is a prince among men, a Solon without peer (the other guy's attorney, not so much). 

For those who take a dim view of lawyers and the law, a story like this seems (to me) to leave more questions than it answers. Bear in mind as you go back over that article, that the lawsuit was discontinued (with prejudice), and not dismissed so Allison the plaintiff cannot reinitiate the suit. I love the cryptic line, "More information about why the lawsuit was discontinued was not available." 

And if you are what you eat, do not dine at Wings On Hamilton, especially if you are lunching with a lawyer (I'm guessing). Although, I still don't understand 'boneless wings.' Are they from chickens that are just a blob of feathers and white meat on the coop floor?   

Too much nuance can ruin a meal or a lawsuit I suspect. And how did those fan blades get so dirty?
-bill kenny 

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