Friday, August 2, 2024

Drive-By Endorsements

Advertising has evolved in my lifetime, and yours, and we may not be as aware of it as we could be. At one point, there were TV commercials for Preparation H that had a white male seated at what looked like a library table talking in terms so nebulous I grew up thinking hemorrhoids had something to do with book bindings. 

Today every product that's worth its weight on the NASDAQ has a celebrity spokesperson, none more prominently or frequently, than automobiles. Until I came across this, I hadn't appreciated just how pervasive the celebrity celebration of auto-erotica actually is. 

One small step for man. One obscenely large paycheck for someone who doesn't really need the money. Somewhere the Ghost of Ted Kennedy sighs.
-bill kenny

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On the Other Hand....

I remember during 9/11 finding a television in a lounge tuned to one of the news channels and watching, but not believing what was happening...