Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Ohne Mich

All anyone is talking about today is the Harris/Trump debate tonight on ABC television carried just about everywhere else simultaneously.  

Everyone EXCEPT me. 

Months ago I purchased tickets to see James McMurtry, whom I revere at a level only shared by Bruce Springsteen, Bob Dylan, and Ray Davies, perform tonight in Fairfield, Connecticut, a decent distance from where I live but even farther than where he does. 

I have waited YEARS for McMurtry to come this far north and east and I have no hesitation or regret about my decision to catch him in concert and skip the televised debate. It probably helped my decision-making process I had decided months if not years ago, no matter who or what the Democrats chose to run against the Orange Shitstain I would be supporting.  

DonOld Trump should be jailed for the crimes he's already been convicted of. When Jack Smith gets through with him and he's found guilty of inciting insurrection, I hope he receives the same punishment John Brown did for his actions at Harper's Ferry, Virginia. I'd pay to watch that happen. 

As for me and McMurtry, I'm hoping we have ourselves a time.
-bill kenny

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