Tuesday, June 16, 2015

A Priest, a Rabbi and Sepp Blatter Walk into A Bar.....

It is very little fun these days I would image being the press spokesperson for the Federation of International Football Associations, FIFA, but by all accounts Walter De Gregorio, the director of communications and public affairs, was a gamer. 

Notice please the past tense of the verb.

He’s cashed in his cards and shuffling off his FIFA coil in a manner of speaking perhaps to pursue a career in stand-up since it’s in all likelihood what caused his premature evacuation.

I'm thinking he'll want to spend some time woodshedding to hone his delivery unless he intends to change his last name to Digiorno because then the delivery takes care of itself.

Reading the story again, I wonder if maybe it was the language? Take two, this time in the original: “In einem Auto mit Sepp Blatter, Jérôme Valcke und Walter De Gregorio, wer fährt? Die Polizei.“ 
Hi. Larry, Us. Okay, maybe not so much.

Thank you ladies and germs. I’ll be here through Tuesday; try the veal.
- bill kenny

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