Thursday, June 11, 2015

Sail Away Raymond

As I was watching the doctors and nurses working speedily and confidently on my wife in the hospital emergency room on Sunday evening, realizing I had nothing to contribute but some tight smiles and rueful looks, I allowed my attention to wander into the adjoining room where drama of a different kind was playing out.

Or had reached a pause, I have no idea which. From what I could see standing in the thoroughfare looking half into the room where Sigrid was and half next door it was curiouser and curiouser. A person, perhaps the patient was sitting straight up in the bed, at the foot of the bed on the floor were pointy-toed cowboy boots which may seem off but in the context of the room were logical.

On the head of the person sitting on the bed with the cowboy boots on the floor in front of the bed was a white ten gallon hat (37.8 liters for readers outside CONUS) but, as they say on TV, wait there's more.

Over her/his (I never did sort out the gender involved) right eye, but under the shade of the hat brim (had it been sunny and the brim had cast shade) was a black eye patch. I flashed on what was missing: a palomino pony with a western saddle and a parrot attached to the saddle horn.

You would not believe the movie I started making in my head as I watched the health care folks between the shadow and the light. It was far more amazing than any reality could have ever been. Just pay separate shipping and handling.
- bill kenny

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