Sunday, February 20, 2022


I'm kidding myself when I say I'm open-minded and willing to listen to other people's points of view. That is to say, I am both of those things provided I can then also attempt to persuade the holder of that different perspective to listen to mine and be converted. 

Like many (far too many), I don't really listen to hear anymore, I listen to respond and rebut. I have inadvertently perhaps become a subscriber to the belief that dueling monologues are as close to an actual dialogue as we're ever going to get. 

That would almost be funny if, and look at your world and tell me it's not the same, when I look around me I'm watching shouting at the tops of our voices becoming the new way we speak to one another all the time. 

Diatribes instead of discussions. Invective uber alles. It's not just me, and not just you, but the horses we rode in on (or not) and everything and anything in between. 

The Titanic sails at dawn. Everybody's shouting, 'Which side are you on?' 

-bill kenny

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