Sunday, February 13, 2022

Roamin' With Numerous Numerals

Today is the greatest day in the history of the planet. All of civilization as we know it, or might wish to know it, has led us to this day. After today nothing will be the same ever again. Until this time next year, of course.

It's almost time for Super Bowl LVI! OMG! I thought it was on last Sunday (the store I was in had a TV the size of a small wall and the gridiron 'warriors' were hugging each other) but turns out it was a different game, more like flag football than anything else. By the time the fourteen-day pregame show finally expires over on NBC later and it's time for some football, how many of us will really care?

I've been on earth for ALL LVI of these things and I still don't get the roman numerals part of the package. The first one was in the LA Coliseum and wasn't a sell-out (GASP!). But from small acorns, such mighty oaks grow.

Professional sports in the USA at one time were at least a little bit, about sports. Now, it's cue the bread and circuses but never forget it's high drama. That's why every announcer has an analyst and every analyst has a counterpart who's also her/his counterpoint. 

We may not be able to understand what motivates religious zealots of every stripe to wreak hate-filled havoc on the rest of us or how to pacify the restless masses, but if you need somebody to explain the weak side button-hook on a 3rd and short within the context of the Children's Crusade, we have former football players who will have that for you, right after this Doritos commercial and a word from your local station.

Of course, when all the t's are crossed and i's dotted, about the only thing we'll be making in this country will be professional athletes, funny television commercials,  and prime-time reality show hosts, but don't worry about it because we've got a stockpile of roman numerals to last us until at least MMCCLXXVIII, or 在我们中国,直至取消抵押品赎回权
-bill kenny

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