Saturday, July 23, 2022

Plane Wrong

Despite serving eight years in the United States Air Force I'm not what anyone would ever mistake for an 'avid flyer.' Based on ZERO adverse incidents in my own life's experiences I bring new meaning to the term 'white knuckle flyer' and if we hit any turbulence at any time in the course of a flight, you can get a full set of my fingerprints from the seat armrests without any effort at all. I don't like to fly. 

There's no special or particular part I dislike; I dislike ALL of it. The waiting to get on the plane, the actual getting on, the bumpity bump as we take off, the really boring bus ride effect except at 35,00 feet once we are aloft, the seat backs NOT returned to their upright position by the bozo in the seat in front of me, and then the bumpity bump crunch we've landed conclusion. All of it. 

I've read over and over in recent months for any number of reasons that air travel has become even more of a travail because of delays and cancellations. However, I came across a news story on a flight cancellation that is certainly memorable if not also execrable, at the same time. 

I'm so old and set in my ways I would never dream of even attempting to use my cell phone on a plane, any plane anywhere at any time, and turn my device off while waiting to board because I don't want to be responsible for interfering with the plane's navigation system. I also believe if we sail a ship too close to the horizon we'll fall off the edge of the earth. 

As some (though not me) used to say in the USAF, 'any landing you can walk away from is a good one.' Not sure the Heathrow Hikers would agree.
-bill kenny

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