Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Show Up and Speak Up

Seven-plus decades here on the Big Blue Marble haven’t taught me much, but I have learned that for the most part, people prefer problems that are familiar to solutions that are not. If you have any doubt, look at some of the reactions and discussions about the City Manager’s proposed budget of $153.225 million.

If you haven’t had a chance to check out newspaper accounts, here’s Matt Grahn’s. And if you’d like more detail, you’ll find the entire proposal (and supporting slides and charts) on the city’s website,  

Since the first public hearing on the proposal is tomorrow night at 7:30, if you’re planning on attending and speaking, this is a good time to review the proposal to better focus your thoughts on suggestions. And if I may, telling the City Council “No!” may make you feel better but isn’t as helpful as we all need to be right now. As the TikTokers say, ‘show receipts.’ 

I think all of us have a sense that many with whom we share our community are still struggling to make ends meet. No one is immune; from small business owners, through single-parent households to towns and cities trying to create budgets that deliver value for the citizens’ tax dollars without bankrupting the very people in whose name the government was formed. I always have déjà vu with budget hearings; we’ve all heard ‘sacrifice’ and ‘tough year’ not just before, but over and over. 

We all know how often in our own households we turn over every dollar before we spend it. That’s why so many insist those whom we elect cannot continue to have us live beyond our means. So share your concerns and ideas. We may agree that together we can do anything but also must concede we can’t do everything.

But which part of not everything should we do, why, and how should we pay for it? Everyone, I believe, has an idea, and tomorrow night is our first opportunity to share them with the members of the City Council.

The Council is short-handed right now, with six rather than seven members. We know them, they’re our neighbors whom we chose from a wide range of candidates in November 2021.  Someone, I suspect a politician, once said 'All politics is local' and when you look at our City Council, I think you’d agree there's not a lot of ideological differences getting in the way of how each of them tries to do a good job, for all of us, in Council Chambers.

The Mayor and City Council define the community and economic development goals of the city, while the City Manager refines that vision into a plan of action and holds accountable the municipal departments striving to achieve those goals. 

All elected and appointed officials work with agencies and volunteers towards, and for, a greater good and a more hopeful and prosperous city. But it takes money, our money. Budgets aren’t a matter of style over substance; they are about deciding what we want and want to pay for. 

For too many years I think we’ve oversimplified, creating false choices between education or public safety, human services versus road repair. We choose noise over nuance. And what changed? Nothing. That must stop. Let’s admit it: We have more wants than wallet. 

But tomorrow night, we can help set the tone, the priorities, and the direction.
Seize the moment. 
-bill kenny 

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