Saturday, May 13, 2023

Crawl Up to Your Door

Shakespeare's Hamlet once offered, "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy." Substance-assisted or otherwise (that part of the speech disappeared in later editions of the play). 

Of course, had Willie lived now with all the means of communication, and miscommunication, we have, I suspect Hammy might've told Horatio, 'nevermind.' I mention that because I came across a news item the other day on CNN, the new home for Mendacious Self-Serving Misogyny, Racism, and Xenophobia, that, until Samuel L. Jackson starred in those Snakes on Planes movies, no one would have ever even seriously considered reporting. Well, almost.  

Snakes gave me the heebie-jeebies. I know all about that whole 'they're more afraid of you than you should be of them,' but when confronted by/with them I don't feel so brave. I mean, (read this in your best Samuel L. Jackson voice) how the hell does anything without legs move so fast? 

I hope Amber Hall's Go Fund Me page (actually set up by her cousin) nets her the dollars she needs to successfully sue everyone who hoodwinked her into buying the house in the first place. If you scroll down and read the comments from donors, the one that rocked me was "PLEASE LEAVE - This will Never be over - It's true, they will have 80 babies at a time. It is also true that, if removed, they will RETURN for 10 YEARS. A little-known fact, they follow their pheromone scent back." 

Wow. Horatio just sent me a message, "I'm out."
-bill kenny 

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