Sunday, May 28, 2023

Runnin' On (Close to) Empty

One of the most interesting and lesser-advertised positives behind retirement, at least for me, is the reduction in mileage I put on our car. No joke, This was a matter of some concern when we opted to lease rather than buy our 2022 Subaru Forester. 

We ordered it in the midst of the COVID-19 supply chain disruption over the Thanksgiving 2021 weekend and a big decision was the 'how many miles to lease it' question. We opted for 36,000/3 years which made me a little jittery until I realized even after we clocked 3,075 miles traveling to visit Michelle and Kyle in Virginia and then continued to Florida to see Patrick and Jena (and came back) we were still home and dry. 

We didn't hit the first 10K until about two weeks ago, or fourteen months after we took delivery. 

I love the car and the mileage it gets but, speaking of that, perhaps like you, when the needle on the fuel gauge starts to head south of a quarter tank my palms start to get a little sweaty. I have never in over five decades of driving ever run out of gas. Not once. Hey! I know it's not impressive, but it's the closest thing to a superpower I have (and explains the cape I keep in the car. Sadly, nothing explains away the tights.). 

But, in answer to everyone's question, and the title of the story, here's how far you can go

And you thought I'd invoke Jackson Browne. You were so close.
-bill kenny

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